went to Origin Puchong outlet today to find the 2 staffs to tolong dye-kan my black&brown hair away -__-
okay i know it's kinda lame but well.. i was free so yeah, go je la :P
that was my aunt sitting at the counter busy youtube-ing early early in the morning.
eishhh, she busy kao-ing some old famous singers & actors thou. ahhahahaha.
wanted to dye my hair purple+red again since the last few times it kept failing..
*oh i thought of dying some WORST colour eh! but nah.. its okay, maybe next time :P *
i hope it works this time!
Teng Teng, the hairstylist's PA. LOL :B
before saying sayonara to my old colour & also the new black hair!
one of the Origin's product.
it's.. em-pill :/
to soften the hair! :D
purple + brown..
ok wtf, why gt brown one -.-
i thought im dying purple + red =___=
the hairstylist's own ga chang lol.
i gao my whole head to him dy..
pls don't damage my hair! kthxbye :P
*excited moment! *
cant wait yaww
mmm, i love the colour but i cant picture how will i look like with it!
:O :O
nooolah, just the "sauce" 's problem.
look at my hairstylistssssss, enjoy "damaging" my hair
bahahah XP
look at the gloves.. heheheh so pinkish!
err okay, after everything is done.. i realized that its still the same.
just that the black hair is gone, thats all :/
no purple, nothing.
ahhhh im so sad! dangggg!
err, failed. 1 more! :P
p/s: that brown thing is my dog lol.
no purple! ):
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